Kenya Rift Valley And Its Lakes

The Great Rift Valley

The great rift valley begins in the dead sea in the north and ends at the Zambezi River in Mozambique to the south. The valley which was formed by drifting of the earth crust some 10 – 20 million of years ago extends approximately 8700kms.

The Kenya Rift Valley nearly divide Kenya down its length. All the way from Ethiopian border in the north to the Tanzania border in the south. The valley is characterized by uninhabitable deserts in the North, Fertile farmland in the middle of flat arid plains (Savannah grassland – Maasai Mara) to the south.

Kenya Rift Valley Lakes
Lake Bogoria

Kenya Rift Valley Lakes

Since 2011, all Kenya Rift Valley Lakes have experienced rising in water levels. The lakes affected include Lake Naivasha, Elementaita, Nakuru, Bogoria and finally Baringo. This increase in water level have not been experienced in the last 50 years. The government agencies and meteorological departments confirms that the rainfall pattern in the Rift Valley have been pretty normal. Scientists have attributed these rises of water to the effect of regional tectonic movements. Techtronic activities is when violent forces push up molten rocks in volcanic eruption through the fault lines.

Kenya Rift Valley Lakes
Increased water levels at Lake Nakuru

In our case, the Rift Valley is responding to the pull of the Indian Ocean forces. As a result, these effects have coursed some activities along some of the lakes to stop. The rising water level have consumed some areas meant for agriculture, buildings and hotels and recreational grounds. The hot geysers at Lake Bogoria have also been affected as they have been completely covered.

The good news though is that the lakes might not rise higher than the current levels. So, no course for worry!


Why The Bogoria Girl Safari


Its during the just passed festive season (December 2017) that the Bogoria girl was born in me. My family’s 2017 Christmas holiday took us to all the lakes in Kenya’s Great Right Valley. We left Nairobi on the 24th December and first destination was Lake Bogoria where we stayed for three nights. Our home for those three nights was Lake Bogoria Spa and Resorts. With two swimming pools the resort is a perfect getaway for families with kids. It gave us a chance to swim late at night because one of the pols is naturally heated pool. Lake Bogoria is famous for hot geyser springs thus the naturally heated swimming pool. 26th Dec will forever remain a special day for me. On this day dinner was by the pool (the natural heated pool). Friends of Lake Nakuru was the band entertaining us, we also had the bogoria women perform their traditional dance. Then here came what would be my 2017 highlight. The manager on duty announced that there was a short video clip they wanted to show us. He went on to explain what it was all about. It was about one of their own at Lake Bogoria Spa and Resort by the name Lydia. The clip was about what Lydia has been doing for the community around the resort and she was appealing for well-wishers to join her. This Lady has been putting smiles on girls and women in Bogoria though the journey has not been easy. I came to learn then that the girls in Bogoria are not able to attend school throughout each month because their parents can’t afford sanitary pads. Came every November and December those that are of age risk going through FGM.

This story touched me so deep and I felt the urge to know more about Lydia and the bogoria girl. Ruth was our waiter that evening and I enquired from her who Lydia was and if it was possible to see her that evening since we were to leave next day in the morning. Luckily enough she was on duty and within few minutes she was at our table.
Lydia shared with me at length on what it is that she does for the bogoria girl and woman. To most of you reading this maybe it has never occurred to you that we have some girls who miss school for 3 to 5 days every month because they can afford sanitary pad. I would like to let you know that this does happen and Bogoria is one of these places that you will meet these girls. She goes onto tell me that she uses her little savings and what she has collected from friends to buy these girls the sanitary pads. This was shocking. Yes it was not the first time I was hearing this kind of story in my home land Kenya but it was the first time I was listening unedited story. A story from someone on the ground who told me as it was. I asked here a hundred and one questions. With the little she gets she is able to buy the pads but there are times when she does not get enough money to buy and provide to all the needy girls. By now you all have an idea what happens when a girl does not get her monthly supply… are right, she misses school close to five days and though she stays at home she is very restricted on where to go or what to do. Sad, right? You will be more surprised to learn that one girl needs only Kshs 2000 (20 USD) to be able to get a one-year supply for the sanitary towel. Yes, the figure is correct. Per month this will be Kshs 170 approximately (USD 1.70). During this talk an inner voice kept on telling me Anne you need to do something and even as I type this that inner voice is still talking to me. I have no dought that I need to do something for these girls.

Effect of these 3 to 5 days is very huge. These girls are forced to go out and source for the little money they need. And how do they do this? They are lured by men who in return gives them some few shillings for their needs. A times this results in early pregnancy and early polygamous marriages.
Lydia goes on to tell me that come November and December which is our schools longest holiday some of these girls are forced to go through FGM. This is also another of her project. To see that these girls are not subjected to this inhumanly act, she keeps on educating young girls on why they should not agree to go through FGM. Our talk got deep that at some point, I had to release my family to go for a swim at the spa pool promising to join them later (we had agreed earlier that we were to have a late-night swim). Our 7-year-old son kept on coming to remind me that I needed to join them in the spa pool as we had a deal. At one point he came and said “Mummy, I can see that this is a very serious talk but is there hope of you joining us at the swimming pool” He was very right, I was touched by this story that for moment I forgot why I was at Lake Bogoria Spa.

Remember I mentioned that some becomes victim of early pregnancy? There need also becomes more. As we concluded promised Lydia that I will be one of those who will walk with her on this journey. Am not sure but maybe she has been told this before but nothing materialized. As we ushered in the new year I told myself that will make personal contribution to this very noble course. I will approach my friends and request them to each take care of a girl for a whole year. Being that I am the CEO and Founder of Kisima Safaris I felt I could do more. On coming back to the office after the holidays I have shared the story with my team and they all want to be part of this journey. It is through this that THE BOGORIA GIRL SAFARI has been born. For every client who travel with us Kisima safaris will contribute 20 dollars toward purchasing of sanitary pad. We also welcome our guests on this safari to add something on this kitty and be a part as we give confidence to the BOGORIA WOMAN. The Bogoria is thus commencing this year and we are ready to walk with these girls and make them have a bright future ahead.

Mystical Lake With Seven Islands

Lake Baringo

This is a wonder Lake with seven Island and several Mythical tales about it. Some of which will give you goose balms and some, if you are adventurous enough, will leave you wanting to explore the dangers in it. It is the 2nd most Northern of the Rift Valley Lakes just below Lake Turkana. Also, one of the 2 fresh water Rift Valley Lake (the other one being L. Naivasha). Strange thing being, the Lake is fed by several rivers including, Molo, Perkera and Ol Arabel but has no visible outlet. Probably it sips its water to the sedimentary rocks below.

The 130Km2 Lake has a total of 7 Islands in it; namely Lokoros, Rongena, Lengai, Samatian, Ol kokwe, Parmolos and the Devil’s Island. One of the Islands is habited by one family, 1 man several wives and very many children. Ol Kokwe is the Island of Hot Natural Springs where you can boil your eggs as you enjoy the Bewitching silence. The Devil’s Island I find to be the most Interesting. The four fishing communities the Njems, Pokot, Turkana and the Turgen who all sail in L. Boaringo have a mythical tale about this Island. All off them sail far from the Island not to dare getting closer to it. They say a blue flame lights the Island every night. Occasionally, the Devil living there is heard hauling the names of anyone who dares to get close to the Island at night. Though Tourist Love the area for it’s hiking landscapes.

The Eco System

The ecosystem in Lake Bogoria is one of the richest. With 470 bird species recorded so far, including the migratory flamingos and the common Fish eagle, it is a heaven for bird watchers. With seven fresh water fish species, it has provided four communities and the resident crocodile with more than enough to live on. The water plants take care of the numerous numbers of Hippopotamus living in the lake in groups of 10-15. Research says that the Hippos in Baringo can feed up to 40kgs of grass on a daily basis. However, all these living things depend on L. Baringo as a habitat are all at risk as siltation is slowly interfering with the water levels. So far, the fish are reducing and the Nile Crocodile who once live in perfect harmony with the Locals are now hazardous to them.

The Highlights

Lake Baringo is a destination to die for. Spectacle sunset, a dazzling array of endless colorful birds, the authentic culture of the Pokot fishermen in their simple, traditional fishing vessels. The nights at the Island lodge is a special treat of bewitching silence only interrupted by the waves of the lake and the chipping birds. And the highlight being, seeing the sunrise behind the lake from the comfort of your bed at Island Camp.

Amboseli National Park Safari Experience

The Scenic Drive

The drive to Amboseli National Park was quiet. One hour from the buzzing city center and we were already on a scenic road. The mountainous landscape of Ukambani area makes you want turn on some country music or soft rock, my old soul craved country music. Everybody in the van drown to nature, silent but yet in communication with the surrounding beauty internally. I yarned to see Amboseli again.

The numerous fruit venders at Emali got my heart throbbing with anxiety, we were close now. I hardly notice the junction to the rough road; my mind was away; taking me back to my first trip to Amboseli. I remembered when we stopped to buy some fruits, a nice lady had told me they got the fruits from Tanzania. Emali is the Kenya Tanzania Border, and it is easier for the locals to get their fruits from the leeward side of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

Amboseli National Park Community

Amboseli National Park
the Community

I was brought back to reality by the bumpy road. The deep galleys and the Maasai Manyattas just confirmed that we were in Amboseli. At the road side I spotted a young Maasai boy who I guest could be 6years – 8years looking after a large heard of goats and cattle, a lather container tied around his waists. Lunch, drinking water or milk perhaps, I thought to myself. Carefully packed by his mother before he left the Manyatta (Maasai traditional huts), I concluded thinking about the many literature I read about the Maasai community when in primary school.

The Maasai have survived on their herds of cattle, sheep and goats for hundreds of years in the savannas and thrived by tracking wildlife on their seasonal migrations. By selecting hardy animals and using husbandry practices suited to the arid lands, the Maasai have sustained Amboseli’s grasslands, coexisted with wildlife and survived the severest of droughts.

Iremito Gate

A Maasai woman selling beaded accessories at Iremito Gate

At Iremito gate was a colorful display of Maasai ladies and gentlemen trying to adjust to the modern word of the Kenyan shilling. Schools are here now and fees has to be paid. They do so through the only art they have mastered traditionally which is selling their iconic traditional beaded accessories. They Surrounded our van and kept selling, the van came alive as everybody tried to grab a souvenir. I noticed something else, metal work, unique, precious and some curved into weapons. Its only natural for a pastoral community living alongside dreaded predators to acquire the blacksmith skills.

Amboseli National Park Safari Experience

Its November 2017 just a month after snow more than usual was experience at the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The vast endless plain hold array of vegetation. From scattered woodlands, to arid bushes, to wind swept barren flat flakes, to swampy alpine meadows and glaciers too. This dramatically but quiet plains provide a majestic playing and feeding fields for so many wild animals. My first glimpse at the surrounding catches the dancing Maasai Ostrich 4 males and 1 female. A heard of Zebras just ahead and a spotted hyena walking by minding his own business. Strange I thought; considering the old narratives told by my grandmother portrayed hyenas as gluttonous animals; I could not just place why it was not hunting the Zebras. Probably they are waiting for a Lion to make a kill before they take it away like I see in the animal documentaries. I once saw such an action in the Mara but it was between the wild dogs and the hyenas.

Our overnight Lodge was an oasis, green and cool. The alley leading to the reception is a trail aligned with doum palms and bamboo trees. The other side of the reception lies magnificent Kilimanjaro site. The 5895M tall volcanic mountain separates Kenya from Tanzania and provides a majestic view that disappears into the clouds. A gift from Mother Nature. 2 hours later we depart again, on route for another surprise from Mother Nature.

Resident Animals

The evening game drive gave us an insight to the resident wild animals. Elephant, buffalo, zebra, wildebeest, hartebeest and gazelle migrate with the rains in search of green flushes and draw back to permanent swamps in search of water and pasture each dry season. Where there is water and grass for grassers there are many predators as well, including lion, leopard, cheetah and hyena. The dry bush country harbors giraffe, eland, gerenuk, lesser kudu and a host of smaller animals. Add a rich variety of birds.

Sun-downer at the Observation Hill

The game drive came to a halt at the Noomotio Observation Hill. This is actually the only place one can walk in the park, unless its a guided nature walk with the Maasai. It’s a pyramid shaped hill brought about by volcanic action. From the hill you can view the swamps in the plain below and Mt. Kilimanjaro. At sunset you might also view numerous wildlife with the aid of a binoculars. We had a 45min open bar and were entertained by the Maasai traditional songs and dances. The view of the golden sunset from this point is special and priceless.

The Morning View

My hotel room was on the Elephant view side, from the veranda you could see Mt. Kilimanjaro and herds of elephant families every morning at 0900hrs walking to a swamp directly in front of the room. This was a very unique experience that I got to experience every single morning of my stay at Amboseli. There is a morning I was up early by 05500hrs and Mt. Kilimanjaro’s view was clearer than ever.

I left with very many memories and my soul was rejuvenated. A feeling I definitely want to have again and again every moment I get the chance to.

Sustainable Travel

Kisima Tours and Safaris is a tour operating company that upholds sustainability. We do all we can to maximize on the positive effect on the environment and the culture of places we visit, so as to minimize the great effects of travel. Tourism depend on the natural recourses of a place, environment, culture and the people around a particular region. That is why we are concerned with the global climatic impact and work hard to reduce our carbon ‘footprints’ both out there in the field and in the office.
Our efforts have been confirmed to be right and recognize and certificated by Travelife. This means that during the 2017 WTM London, we were awarded a certificate by Travelife. Travelife is a leading training, management and certification initiative for tourism companies committed to reach sustainability. This achievement came after we set aside some initiatives and followed them closely. We still come across some ways of practicing sustainability better.
Now when it comes to tour operators and sustainability, three things are often involved; the Environment, the Society and the economy.

To the Environment;

  •  We ensure we contract vehicle that have good engine so as to reduce the amount of CO2, nitrous oxide and methane released to the environment.
Sustainable Travel
Seed ball ready to be dispatched
  • We give our clients seed ball in our welcoming kits so that they dispatch them as they tour. A smart way to plant trees through Aerial reforestation.
  • We advise our clients strictly on tips of practicing sustainable tourism, so that they enjoy their safari knowing that they have left no negative traces in their safari destinations.
  • We partner with and support properties who work to preserve their natural and cultural environment (Eco Lodges & Camps).
  • In the office, we recycle used papers for printing (if we have to) because we see each paper as a fallen tree.
  • Going Digital in the way we share internal information has helped us reduce the use of papers in the office.
  • We use natural lights other than electricity.

To the Community;

  • We also support Parks, Reserves and Camps that are communally owned so that we support the communities directly.
  • We offer voluntourism and community outreach programs for people in the rural areas, with disability and terminal ailments.
  • Our manual for sustainability travel include instructions that guides a client on how to respect culture and the community visited how ever different it may seem.

To the Economy;

  • Curio stops; souvenir shopping is not only for the client’s benefit but also a way to give back to different communities gifted in art. It is a source of income for them.
  • Attraction visitations improves the hosting county’s economy.
  • We support properties and attraction that provide employment for the locals so as to improve their living standards.

Don’t Look Any Further For Women-Only Travel Packages.

Don’t look any further for women-only travel packages. The best are here, offered by Kisima Safaris
Are you seeking for women only trips? Would you like to meet and make friends with other women? Would you like to spend tie with like-minded women while having a lifetime adventure? Are you seeking to let go yourself and be that girl that you always dream to be connecting with nature? Or do you prefer to relax while sipping tea, coffee or even a that wine that you so love?

Those dreams of mentoring a young woman can be met while on women only safari with Kisima Safaris. Come mingle with the Kenyan woman. You will be amazed as to how many things you have in common just because you are both women. This and many more are reason enough why you need that long waited vacation and will make a positive difference in your life.

Women-Only Trips

Women-only Safaris makes you connect self, Other women and Nature. On arrival you come in with packed suitcases but when going back home you take more as self-love, love for others, joy, strength, knowledge just to mention but a few are some of those that you will have added in your packing going back home. You also don’t leave us empty as we leave us with Love, smile, hope, care and any more. You plant a seed in other women’s lives that is priceless.


Women-Only Safari Programs:

Africa’S Hidden Treasures

Shompole Wildlife Conservancy

Located only 118 km South West from Nairobi. Shompole wildlife conservancy  offers opportunity for Game Drive as you search for the Big Five. Enjoy your night under luxurious canvas at Shompole Camp. Also, a beautiful sun-downer experience that gives way to a clear skies with plenty of stars. Shompole’s uniqueness lies on its geographic location. The Conservancy stands at the border of Kenya and Tanzania. It also lies between Lake Natron and Lake Magadi which are all saline Lakes. It’s the best place for adventure due to it’s location at the edge of Nguruman Escarpment overlooking the great rift valley. This conservancy covers a total of 35,000 acres and is surrounded by 140,000 acres of Shompole group ranch. The 140,000 acres  provides a disposal area for wildlife and buffer zone.

The camp.

Shompole camp

Shompole Camp has only 4 double tents placed widely spread apart. Therefor, it ensure privacy, comfort and relaxation in mind. Each Shompole room has its own cool-pool and informal sitting areas. A bathroom with a view to take you awy while having a shower. A specially designed tent that includes vast windows and a high-canopied roof. Making it perfect for our women only exclusive group.


Shompole wildlife conservancy

Just like the Mara, the surrounding community at Shompole are the Maasai community. They paint the Semi-arid area with colorful culture. They grace the environment with their numerous heard of cattle. The Maasai are nomadic pastoralist hence making the lifestyle of the locals quite predictable and interesting. Their daily routine consists of waking up and walking their cattle in search of pasture. To them to them, cattle are their sign of wealth and they live to own more and more of them. At Shompole you get to interact with the community at even participate in their cultural activities.

12 Tips Of Practicing Sustainable Tourism

Why practice Sustainable Tourism

Africa Safaris was a tradition initiated by hunters. Over a period of time things have changed and environment has as well. People started seeing the importance of taking care of fauna and flora all over the world to reduce the negative impact of tourism to the environment. Well that is not all sustainable tourism is about, it is also about supporting local community and economy.

Below are tips that will help you join the world in practicing sustainable tourism. These tips will help you give back to the community and to mother earth as well.

1. Learn About your Destination

Before you travel read and learn about your visiting destination. There are many destination guide books that will enable to learn more about a country’s culture, language, the does and don’ts. You can search from the many tones of information on the internet. The last thing you want to do is walk around with polythene bags in Kenya after the burn just because you lucked the information.

2. Read the wildlife and park rules and abide by them.

There are rules in every park, conservancy and reserves. These are always in place to protect the animals and their natural habitats, the visiting tourist safety and the environment. Practice sustainable tourism by respecting the rules to preserve the beauty of the land you are visiting. Rules like do not feed the animals, do not get out of your van during a safari and do not litter and so on should be observed keenly.

3. Respect animal space and habitat.

Safaris are called so because humans travel to the animal’s natural habitats. If this is not handled with caution, we might disrupt the spatial patterns that might have an impact to the visited eco-system. Keep silence when spotting animals and travel with earth or dull colored clothes to remain invisible whenever in the animal kingdom. Noise and too much human activities might disrupt their natural lives e.g. feeding patterns, mating patters and so on. This might lead to a frustrated animal world and no one wants that in their destination. Not the animals, not the tourist, not the tourism industry, not the residential locals and definitely not the environment.

4. Support locally made Handcrafts

Some East African communities are naturally blessed with the gift of craftsmanship. If you purchase handmade craft from them you directly support them and their families. You also leave with unique pieces that takes you back to Africa every time you look at them. Handcraft options are limitless with each of the communities being unique in their own art. They range from wooden carvings, to soap stone carvings, to colorful bead-work to woven baskets and beautifully painted portraits. Buying those helps you support local community as they carry on their cultural aspects. This is a way of practicing sustainable tourism as you are giving back to the community.

5. Stay within the boundaries of your camp or lodge

The camps and lodges are set inside parks with dense animal population. Do yourself a favor by staying within the camp or lodge compound and not leaving unless accompanied by a trained and experienced guide. Nobody wants to be a hyena’s early meal. Remember your flesh in quite different from an antelope’s flesh and once the wild animals go ‘human’ they never turn back.

6. Never purchase souvenirs with corals or endangered animal products

As much as we encourage you to purchase locally made crafts. You should know what is healthy and legal to purchase. Very many species diminishing and some habitats ruined because some people are trading on the products. Supporting these kind of business means that you will be aiding in increase of their demand hence more will be killed and more habitats ruined. Artifacts with Ivory, tortoise shells, corals, reptile skins animal hides and plants ham the environment. In sustainable tourism, we try to reduce animal population loss regardless of how valuable its product are.

7. Remove unneeded packaging

When you have shopped and you are packing for your Safari. Make sure you remove all the unwanted packaging to reduce litter in the destination you are traveling to. Polythene bags are a no no in Kenya thanks to the burn. Therefor you would like to unwrap that new camera and binoculars and leave the packaging at home. This also helps in reducing the bulk in your bag, making it easier to move.

8. Be conscious of what you are taking or leaving

I once walked in a forest that had a board written, ‘take only the nourishment and leave everything as you found them’. For me I will advise you to take only the photographs with you and leave only your footprints behind. Our Vans and Jeeps are fitted with dustbin to control littering in the parks. In case you find yourself in one without, kindly keep even the tiniest of your litter and throw it in the next bin you encounter.

9. Keep any used batteries and carry them back home

Regardless of where you will think it will be safe to throw them. If a country does not yet have recycling programs that will handle such hazardous materials, that material will affect the environment. North America has the proper resources of disposing off used batteries.

10. Bring Biodegradable Shampoos and conditioners.

Personal hygiene has to be observed even while on Safari. It would be better if one could observe the environmental health with the same amount of keenness they put in personal hygiene. Shampoos are often washed down the soil. When choosing your brand of choice look out for the words ‘biodegradable’ or ‘organic’

11. Leave the city for your safari with SEED BALLS.

A seed ball is simply a tree seed inside a ball of charcoal dust mixed with nutritious binders. The act of throwing it to a barren lands or grassy areas is referred to as Seed-Bombing. Also Known as Aerial reforestation. It has and is being used in areas where plants can grow or even man-made deserts. These seeds are always contained in the charcoal dust balls then germinated in ideal conditions for each climate/region. Every region has suitable tree seeds that are well adapted to the climates.

12. Avoid Taking picture of the locals unless you are at a place right to do so.

Respect your hosts and their culture. What might be strange or different to you, is their daily routine avoid taking a picture of them as you drive by. This might be considered rude or disrespectful among the locals. If interested in interacting with them and know more about their culture, there are designated villages where there are local open to questions or might even allow you to take pictures.



Safari Packing Checklist : Avoid Over Packing Disorder


The idea of coming to Africa for a safari is definitely very exciting and thrilling at the same time. Packing for the safari might be a bit challenging considering the changing temperatures and internal flight baggage restrictions.  And most importantly if you already have a chronic overpacking disorder like me.

The basic requirements are; Sunscreen, a good hat with a wide brim, a camera, and sporty shoes.

What Bag To Carry

As much as our safari Vans and Jeeps have more than enough space for your luggage, I would advise you to have a soft bag flexible enough to be squeezed in a tiny storage compartment. Going to the bush means you might use the small aircraft with very minimal luggage allowance.

Light weight Rain Ponchos

November is a rainy season in Kenya so a light weight poncho might come in handy. For the beach and the Savanna, a moisturizer might be very helpful because of the heat.

How to dress up.

Some safaris might be long distances so it would be advisable to dress lightly and comfortably. African weather is variable, it has chilly mornings, super-hot days in some areas and cold evenings so you might want to pack something warmer.

Some hotels expect guest to wear trousers and collared shirts during meals.

Long sleeved shirts, dresses and trouser will come in handy during the born fires. It will help with the mosquitoes and stubborn insects in the bush.

Unless you are booking into Luxurious accommodation, we would advise you to carry enough clothes for the Safari for the laundry in other accommodations are charged.


Will help in spotting game during game drives. Having a pair of your own will ensure you don’t miss even a second of action.

Save some space for power strips.

Camera batteries and chargers might come in handy. Phone chargers and a power bank too.

Insect repellent

There are night outdoor activities in the bush examples being night game drives, born fires, bush dinners and the tents are technically out in the open. The inside might be taken care of properly but the mosquitoes are free to bite outside.


The African sun may be quite intense. Have just a pair to help you glare during the game drives and for the dusty roads


Our vans and land cruiser have the medication in the first aid kit. But you might want to carry some just in case you need them in your room at night.

Here are some very essential ones you might consider bringing along.


You are prone to encountering mosquitoes in the bush. This might help to prevent malaria.


In case of allergies or insect bites


This might come handy just in case you eat something g that does not liaise well with your digestive system.

Kenya’S Tea Grafting Farm Visit

An industry whose mission is to produce the leading tea quality in Eastern Africa. It’s on its way to achieving its mission. Njeru Farms and industry is cloning different variety of tea including purple tea production. This is to enable them to come up with special, healthier, tastier and more unique tea variety.  They have three main tea Estates Kiegoi Estate, Kirunguria Estate and Lucuitu Estate. All with cloned high-quality tea.


Athi Astate with Purple Tea
Purple Tea

Have you heard of purple tea?   Patches of purple darken these fields. The purple comes from leaves with high levels of anthocyanins, natural pigments that give cranberries, blueberries and grapes their color. These purple leaves are Africa’s newest — and most intriguing — tea. It has a high level of theaflavins and many other components. This makes it an ingredient to reduce the risk of hypatension and cardiac arrest.


Kenyan Purple tea
They Provide Variety

 This is just one out of the many varieties that the Njeru’s have in their farm. They produce Oolong tea and black tea orthodox.  You will experience picking and tasting of the different tea varieties at Njeru farms.


A Tes-Tea Possession Passed Down 5 Generations.

Kiambethu Farm

It is a small heaven for tea drinkers. A large white art decor-style house set in acres of lush garden that run down to the fields of Kiambethu Farm.

Just an hour’s drive from the heart of Nairobi city is a historic farm. Mc Donell bought the land in 1910 and it has been passed to 5 generations down. History states that Mc Donell was among the first people to grow tea in Kenya. He was the also first to market and sell the tea commercially. Now, one of the biggest Kenya tea exporters.

The Tour

Kiambethu Farm
Visitors at Kiambethu farm

Fiona the host has the best welcoming treat put together for her guests . Enjoy a welcoming tea with your host accompanied by an informative talk about how the tea. She gives you an oral process of the tea from the farm to the cap. A narration of the interesting history of their family in the farm is also something you cannot afford to miss. After which, have a tour at the fields and the neighboring indigenous forest, spotting the resident troop of Colobas monkeys and the beautiful rare bird species attracted by the nectar of the numerous different flowers grown all over the garden.

Visitors have a 4 course farm style lunch outside on the lawn on a picnic table. Enjoy home made bread, food from the garden to the plate and their delicious homemade ice-cream

A day at Kiembethu will not just leave you informed but inspired and rejuvenated from the nature walks or the natural environment.

Adrenaline Gushing Adventure To Do In Kenya

Bungee Jumping

Image result for Sagana white water rafting hd imagesTake your adrenaline glands on a joy ride diving from an elevated tower over river Tana at Kenya’s Sagana River and over a beautiful jungle setting. Beginners sign up for intro classes that nobody is left out in our adrenaline gashing activity.



Mountain Biking

Nothing means freedom like mountain biking on diverse beautiful scenic trails filled with silence and filling your lungs with fresh air, feeling the morning sun on your skin. Normally the participant has it at the back of their mind that they have nothing else to do but puddle on, view the sight and breath. Now that’s a new kind of free. We have classes for first timers just to share the freedom feeling with all.


White Water Rafting

Related imageDreaming of gettingt your adrenaline pumping there is no better way to do than puddling in a two-person or six-person croc-raft challenge, speeding on a raft river and working together to maintain balance in the middle of a dense jungle and anticipating a water fall. First timers will are accompanied by a professional and safety measure are observed.


Adventure HikesImage result for outward bound kenya hike pictures


The ultimate survivor Africa series. If you would like to test your tolerance level with a lot of adventure then this is the activity to take. It is full day hike in Kenya Semi-Arid area, very scenic adventurous and diverse landscape. Since your campsite is kept anonymous, your full day job for that day is to find your campsite your guide being coordinate, a compass and the area map.

Mountain climbing

Let your adventure quest lead you to Africa’s highest peaks. Climb the mountain of God, a giant born of fire and ice. Let the overnight wilderness camping take your breath away. Take a challenge to witness the mountain that goes to sleep and wake up with it in its frozen morning.


Image result for indian ocean snorkeling images
There is a world hidden from our world. This world has horses and it has the largest and the heaviest mammals on earth. Vegetation grows on it and grazers feed on them, while predators prey on the grazers. The system is almost the same but creatures in this world breathe differently. It’s a world under the oceans visited by the brave. I call them the strong in faith. Add a splash of adrenaline courtesy of the resident dolphins, turtles, giant manta rays, sharks and if lucky you would swim along with the sea horses,’ the greatest and most unique father on earth’.


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